E -cigarette newbies may be intimidated by this electronic device. Smoking a traditional cigarette and an e-cigarette are two totally different experiences. While there is a slight learning curve to mastering vaping, we're here for it.
Our advice will help you understand immediately how to vape, being careful and avoiding waste of time and liquids.
- First of all, you need to know that e-cigs turn on and off, obviously without the use of fire like normal cigarettes, but with the electricity supplied by rechargeable lithium batteries. Of course, every e-cigarette has its own way of turning on and off, and normally, with manual ones, you need to press the vape button 3 to 5 times. With automatic ones you just start inhaling.
- To start vaping with manual e-cigs, you need to press the appropriate button. Don't be intimidated by that button. It may seem strange to press a key to smoke, but you will soon get used to it. Automatic e-cigs, on the other hand, need to "feel" you to start producing smoke. An inhalation via the mouthpiece and the resistance will immediately set in motion, transforming the aromatic liquid and any nicotine into vapor with immediate diffusion.
- As anticipated, e-cigarettes are different from each other and some have customizable settings and accessory tools to obtain a tailor-made experience. As a first tip, we suggest that you initially set a low smoke temperature (voltage and wattage with low values). Once the vapor-flavor ratio is further refined, you can also start smoking at higher temperatures (higher values of volts and watts). Starting with low temperatures allows you not to vape immediately in a sudden and aggressive manner. The first impression is often what remains and could affect the rest of the experience.
- Vaping is not a monotonous operation. With the classic cigarette the "shots" are almost similar to each other. With the electronic cigarette, on the other hand, you will have the possibility to vary the puff a lot, make the smoke more or less hot, vary the settings relating to the combustion power and obtain different tastes from that of tobacco and nicotine.
Many novice vapers may experience coughing from e-cigarettes. In reality it is not the pod vape itself that generates coughing, but some incorrect habits and ways of vaping from which it is possible to free oneself:
- Presence of damage to the throat caused by classic cigarettes. You need to wait for your body to detox from tobacco before it begins to get used to the "new" smoke.
- voltage of the electronic cigarette incorrect for the type of resistance used
- too high dose of nicotine in the liquid to be vaporized;
- exhausted atomizer resistance;
- liquid with too strong aromas, which you are not used to;
- Internally dirty e-cig.
If you are a beginner and you happen to cough while vaping, find out how not to cough while vaping!
Cheek vaping and lung vaping are two very different ways of smoking an e-cigarette.
Cheek vaping means inhaling briefly with the mouth and then sending the little vapor created into the lungs.
In this way, the Vape flavours contained in the liquid based on propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin or glycerol are more "feel".
Lung vaping, on the other hand, leads smokers to inhale directly into the lungs, with a more intense action which leads to the generation of a denser vapor and to "enjoy" more of the effect caused by the nicotine present in the base liquid.

The liquid required for vaporization in electronic cigarettes is a solution made of various substances diluted together: vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, water (if necessary), flavors and nicotine (optional).
Aromas are used to give taste and flavor to steam and there are an infinite number of them on the market.
In most cases, those created chemically are used, but there are also so-called organic liquids, which contain natural extracts taken from the plant and/or macerated to provide unparalleled flavors and smells. However, organic e-liquids are more aggressive than liquids of chemical origin and tend to wear out the resistances of the atomizers much sooner and also, with less frequency and intensity, the tanks.
Modern electronic cigarettes allow you to vape having the temperature of the resistance under control.
The function, known as TC, temperature control precisely, allows the vape user to set a temperature limit beyond which the resistance cannot go, generating the type of steam, more or less hot, that best satisfies.
The temperatures to be set also depend on some general rules, as well as on personal sensations and beliefs.
If you want to avoid "sticking" (i.e. vaping with dry cotton) it is best to set it around 220°-230°; in any case it is good that it remains below 280°.
- water in liquids is a "friend" of the TC,
- The "full VG" blends (those with a higher percentage of vegetable glycerin in the base liquid compared to propylene glycol) require higher temperatures to be vaped.